In case the threat of global warming, and struggle for foreign oil, weren't incentive enough, the X PRIZE Foundation is offering a new reason for inventors to come up with a new "Super Efficient" automobile. The Foundation is offering a prize, which is yet to be determined, to the makers of the first consumer ready 100mpg car. The actual prize has not been announced, but it is said to be a large sum of money. The global benefits of a car such as this is beyond measure. I hope this prize inspires some rich person to hire some scientists, and create the car that saves the world. It is unfortunate that money is considered by many people to be a greater incentive for change than death and devastation.
Nice post. interestingly enough who did kill the electric car? I remember when they first came on the scene. Billed as the possible next step in future automotive technology, only to be wiped from the scene entirely.
I found this article about the new Chevy volt. it is an electric car that can be re-charged as well as run on dio-diesel,. I believe. Check it out. Chevy Volt
Do you know exactly why the electric car idea was shelved. the video trailer on your blog does give a fairly decent idea, but I was wondering what you thought.
You know what is even worse than cars, in terms of global warming? Building.
Very interesting, I would have to agree. Money hungry people rule this world, and to make any type of change, that person expects more money to come to them in return. This post oddly reminds me of the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union, where it wasn't necessarily about exploring space, but more about who was better and who would get there first. Hopefully, some of the more affluent people will put their greed aside for the good of mankind!
Dude, if i wasn't so sick from trying to smoke an ounce of hemp, i would totally build that car. I like that more an more companies, including GM, apparently, are convinced now that hybrid technology is at least a good placeholder until we figure out a fuel other than our existing crude. There was a movie out maybe half a year ago...i think it was called "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and it was all about the Saturn ev-1, the fist all electric car in consistant production in the US. THis was before Saturn was owned by GM, which makes it interesing that GM, a company that has claimed that trying to find alternative energy sources is unamerican, is finally joining the charge (pun intended) to make the planet a less disgusting place to exist.
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