There are a few drawbacks to wind farms, as anyone who has driven Interstate 580 through Altamont Pass already knows. They take up space, they are noisy, and many people consider them unsightly (although, personally, I think they look pretty cool!). Another ecological concern is the number of birds and bats who die flying into these turbines. However, the climate changes caused by global warming may be a larger threat to wildlife.
I think it is only a matter of time until we are dependent on renewable-energy resources, almost exclusively. The thing about "non-renewable-resources" is that, soon, they won't exist.
I agree with I think that in no time what so ever we are going to be including a substantial amount of renewable energy sources in our energy portfolio. I think that "wind farming" will actually be the key to weaning our farmers off of government subsidies. They can farm wind instead of corn, which we can get much cheaper outside the US but subsides make it impossible for third world country's to compete with us.
Wired magazine is constantly talking about new forms of renewable energy in a realistic view.
The Energy Web - an article about how each house will be a power supplier as well as a power user.
I also think a much looked past form of energy is nuclear energy. I think that if we can find a way to minimize its ecological impacts like spewing hot water in the cold water. Also if we can either develop good recycling technology or real long term storage. I think that nuclear power is a real player.
Nuclear Now - We often in the US forget that we are not going to be the biggest energy users in the future. China is growing fast, and the government is scrambling to provide power. They are investigating every option including nuclear energy. The Chinese government is developing a reactor that is meltdown safe, a person could just walk away the reactor will come down with out problems. They are also making them so they can be daisy chained. Meaning that as you need more power you just build a new reactor next to the other one. The part that is music to many American business is that they bringing the price of building a reactor down from the billions in the millions. At that price it will become possible for private business to invest in nuclear reactors.
I loved your post. An environmental blog is a great idea. I am one of those people, who knows how important these issues are but I don't know other options. This was very educational to me because it gave me a way to think about energy in a different way. By the way, I loved the video it was cute. You also included so many links so I was able to do more research. Overall, this a great subject to research. I do believe that our energy sources have to change. I grew up near an oil refinery and I am one of the lucky people in my neighborhood that don't have breathing problems. I would definately love to see a more people and environmentally conscious approach to our resources. I found this article about proactive approaches to the enivronment.
I like your blog, it's interesting and fun to read 'cuz it has the right amount of information. To be honest, I recycle and stuff, but I'm not too into environmental things, so I thought this blog was not gonna be much fun for me. But I was surprised. I really liked it. And by the way, I think wind farms can be beautiful. I don't think the are unsightly at all. There definitely should be more.
Here are some pictures that I liked.
Theo, I am constantly amazed at the environment friendly information that you expound on me. I really don't know anything about win energy except the Altamont Pass and highway 5 down California I believe.
I'm going to link to this website that is titled the "The Kids Energy Page" because thats how I feel when it comes to energy and especially re-newable energy. Awesome info. As Already mentioned in a previous post. Very educational and informative because I would never had heard about it otherwise.
I agree, there are so many other combinations of problems that work against the birds and bats survival in the world.
So, I have a weird pet-pev. I hate ziploc bags with a passion. Although I do find them helpful in some situations. I try my hardest not to use them and I always reuse them. I jog on the beach regularly and grew up in the eco-safe state of Wyoming, I've always cringe when I see them blowing in the wind. It bothers me that people see them as disposible. The earth sure doesn't! It's so strange how distant our logic is from our mother earth. Here's a link with good information about plastic recycling site.
I love your sight, you should keep it up beyond the class.
Turbines are interesting to bring to the discussion of renewable energy. I too think that they look pretty cool. I have driven by them at least once a year now to go visit my sisters in LA. Personally with the noise of the highway I have never heard the noise they make. Here I found some Fun Facts about turbines that I thought were cool. Another renewable source is solar power. What do you think of this strategy.
I'm just really impressed with how optimistic your blog about environmental issues is. Generally any kind of discussion of the environment is kind of a downer to say the least but you've managed (at least in this post) to really put together something with substance that gives off a feeling of hope.
I really like reading the Ecologist, a British environmental magazine. I don't know, maybe you would enjoy the serious (-ly British) tone as well.
It's pretty cool to find out something that can connect me to the windmills I encounter on my drive to LA.
I don't know how noisy they can be because usually they are buried in the middle of nowhere. The ones I go by are in mountains, away from residential areas.
But I think it's inevitiable we face another energy crisis. Maybe we'll be more dependent on windmills in the future.
Wind power! Wow that's awesome. Have you ever played Dune 2? It's a command and conquer style game where build wind traps to provide energy to your buildings. Just another case of science fiction becoming science fact.
That commercial was sweeettt! I guess that's beside the point. I agree we have to look towards renewable energy NOW rather than soon. Wind energy, solar power, and the various forms of hydropower are all steps in the right direction but it won't be enough to make the U.S. (the worlds number one carbon dioxide polluter, among other greenhouse gases) totally dependent on renewable-energy.
We need to sign the Kyoto Protocol if we're going to be taken seriously as a country who wants to combat global warming.
I remember the first time I believed
science fiction... check out this link.
Don't be duped like I was.
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