Thursday, April 5, 2007

Sleep In Heavenly Peace!

I was going to make a short video about a chromium plating plant, that is being sued for illegal toxic dumping, in Willits California - the town I grew up in. But, because I have been feeling so tired and overworked lately, I decided to make this little ode to sleep instead. So kick back, relax and enjoy this silly little video, and stay tuned for the Willits/Remco video.

The video was edited using Eyespot, and the audio was recorded using Odeo, an online digital audio recorder. Odeo works very easily, just remember to speak loudly into the mic!


TV Obsessed said...

I love sleep too. You did a wonderful job of matching up your dialog with your clips. One recommendation I have is that you practice a few more times before you record, there were a few times when you stumbled and practice would have made a difference. Well, to end on a positive note, I found your piece to be very creative.

DANGEL said...

Theo that was awesome. Sleep is a rare commodity, especially in college when you work and go to school and then fill your free time trying to forget about going to work and school.

I scheduled my school schedule class and work on Tues-Thurs and have absolutely nothing to do (except homework) Fri-Mon. Awesome, I can maximize my sleep during those days.

I have a story, I was reading in my living room and started to dose off , when after a few minutes my roommate yelled at me "DANNY, WAKE UP!"

Obviously startled I opened up one eye and looked at him and said meekly "why?"

After another a few minutes I decided I did want to get up and do something, so I jumped and what happened?

My cell phone which was in my lap fell off and landed in my cup of water that was sitting on the ground next to the seat.

I should have stayed asleep.

I'll second Tasha's call on the audio. Just a few more practice runs

Sarah said...

Hilarious! The visuals were great and the narration was basically good. But what I liked most of all was the response to that age-old dismissal of sleep--what if we CAN'T sleep when we're dead?

RBX said...

Your voice-over part was just fine but visually there wasn't enough there because the colors are pale. The what I call abstract colors or swirls need to have a little more pizazz. Of course not anything too visually loud considering the topic. Though I know the words are the main thing overall. And I agree that sleep is important and it's also a beautiful thing.

andy said...

I didn't know chatching Z's could be so surreal. Sweet.

Dietrich Bowman said...

That was awesome Theo, you always come up with cool little bits that turn out really good! The video was really cool because it kinda looks like the tiny light you see when your eyes are shut, very good video with narration.

I also thought it was ironic that you almost did your storytelling on the toxic dumping in Willits, I just drove through that town a couple days ago and I remembered it from when I was younger because of the skunk train. I thought that was a dream that I had in my sleep because it was so long ago, but I guess not. Anyways, good job!

larry said...

You talk about sleep with a lot of passion, Theo. If you show your wife (when you get married) this same affection you'll have a great marriage! Peace

Davos said...

Well interesting...I love the rant at the end "you can sleep when youre dead"...hate the overachievers who say that...

Because you seem to be telling your opinion on the matter rather than trying to get someone to fall asleep, I think I would have made a different video for it.

The video was very stimulating and made me wish of sleep, but your words seemed to have a different meaning...

Either way, I liked it...I like any of these videos where the creator has taken time to get something well done Theo

carellano said...

I too have nothing but praises. The video made me sleepy though. I felt like I was dosing off and a voice was telling me, "it's ok."

Johnny Rad said...

Fucking RAD! I liked your digital story the best so far out of all the other digital stories. 1/3 of my life? I think I spend a little more time that that.